Cleaning granules for the thermoplastic processing industry
Type U Cleaning granulate
Universal type, temperature range from 180°C - 300°C
Typ T Cleaning granulate
Cleaning granulate for low temperatures,
Temperature range 180°C - 220°C
Type EX1 cleaning granulate
Universal type for extruders,
Temperature range 180°C - 240°C
For injection moulding, extrusion, cylinders, screws, moulds, hot runners
> Ø 2mm, compounding, colour and material change, PA, PC, PMMA, PVC, POM, PPO, PEEK. . . .
Our cleaning granulates can be used in various areas of the thermoplastics processing industry. They replace residues, adhesions or colours on the production tools.
They are also suitable for colour or material changes.
Our cleaning granulates can be used exclusively or as a supplement to other cleaning techniques, such as cleaning by blasting, pyrolysis or ultrasonic technology.
They are suitable for the temperature range up to 300°C, for injection moulding, blow moulding, extrusion, compounding, hot runners, PA, PC, POM, PMMA, PEEK, PET, etc. for light or stubborn impurities.